WORKSHOP No. 2 (2018):
‘Speeches Punctuated with Resounding Slaps’: Law, Expansion, Hierarchy, Resistance.
west Space, Bourke Street, MElbourne, 24-26 May 2018
Organisers: Rose Parfitt (Kent/Melbourne), with Luís Bogliolo (Melbourne), in collaboration with Liquid Architecture, West Space, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Laureate Programe in International Law (Melbourne Law School).
Photo: Anthony Rodriguez / Black Note Photography.
* Keynote 1 *
Mark Antliff (Duke University, USA): ‘Fascism, Modernism, Modernity’
* Nazi Normativities *
Reut Yael Paz (Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Germany): ‘From Exploring (M)otherness through International Law: Lessons from the Mothers of the Fatherland to the Appropriation of the Child in the Name of the Father/Patria’
Max Wagner(Humboldt University, Germany): ‘Taking National Socialism Seriously: The Example of Karl Larenz'
Paul Hahnenkamp(University of Vienna, Austria): ‘Out(er State) Law. International Law from Negation to Destruction’
Chair/discussant: Richard Joyce(Monash University, Australia)
* Aesthetics of Anti/Fascism *
Patricia Leighten(Duke University, USA): ‘Photography and Anti-authoritarianism: The Inter- and Postwar Career of Henri Cartier-Bresson’
Ignacio Forcada (UCLM, Spain): ‘Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera !Presente!: A Visual Walk Through the Life and International Thought of the Founder of the “Falange Espanñola”.’
Chair/discussant: Isobel Roele (Queen Mary University, London)
* Keynote 2 *
Luciano Chessa (San Francisco Conservatory of Music, USA): 'Luigi Russolo's Antifascism Revisited' (lecture + performance)
Chair/discussant: James Parker(Melbourne Law School)
* Provincialising Fascism *
Leila Brännström (Lund University, Sweden): ‘Fascism and Revolutionary Iran’
Adrian Smith (University of Carlton, Canada): ‘Fascism, Colonialism and the Plot to Overthrow Dominica’
Fabia Veçoso, (University of Melbourne, Australia), João Henrique (Federal University of Goiás, Brazil) & Daniel Campos de Carvalho (Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil): ‘The Portuguese and the Tropics’: Opposing Decolonization, Promising Unity’
Vannessa Hearman (Charles Darwin University, Australia): ‘Anti-communism and the Promotion of a Return to Authoritarianism in Indonesia'
Chair/discussant: Anna Saunders (Melbourne Law School)
* Cybernazis * Fashwave & the Aesthetics of Alt-Right Retrofuturism *
Screening/hearing/discussion with James Parker (Melbourne Law School, Australia) and Tom Andrews (Melbourne Law School, Australia)
Chair/discussant: Luis Eslava (Kent Law School)
* Techno-Totalitarianism *
Kobi Leins(Melbourne Law School, Australia): ‘Fascbook: When to Unfriend?’
Jake Goldenfein(Swinburne University of Technology, Australia): ‘Computational Eugenics’
Pete Chambers(RMIT University, Australia) & Rachel Busbridge(Australian Catholic University): ‘From Blood and Soil to Cybernetes and Silicon: Between Breivik’s Manifesto and its Fascist Future and the Alt Right, via Cultural Marxism’
Chair/discussant: Ruth Cain (Kent Law School, UK)
* Keynote 3 * Fascism and International Law: History, Technology, Representation *
Keynote panel with Anne Orford (Melbourne Law School, Australia), Gregor Noll (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) and Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Chair/discussant: Katherine Fallah(University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
* Nation, Race, Order *
Cícero Krupp da Luz (University of São Paulo, Brazil): ‘The Everyday Legal Impact of Italian Fascism in Brazil during the 1920s, 30s and early 40s.’
Marnie Lloydd(Melbourne Law School, Australia): ‘Controlling Volunteers: Fascist and Anti-Fascist Foreign Fighting in the Spanish Civil War.’
Ntina Tzouvala (University of Melbourne, Australia): ‘The Golden Dawn and White (Inter)Nationalism.’
Chair/discussant: Katherine Fallah (UTS, Australia)
* Aesthetics of Contemporary Resistance *
Helena Chávez Mac Gregor(UNAM, Mexico): ‘Aesthetic Strategies of Resistance against Contemporary Fascism’ (lecture/screening)
Ruth Cain (Kent Law School, UK): '@Nero: Meme Culture, Marx and the Alt-Right Online'